As souls we intrinsically remember the unity of source and yearn for it here on earth through the frequencies of

love, sovereignty, truth, peace, freedom and forgiveness

Quantum Soul Guidance is a revolutionary approach to developing a reliable relationship with your soul by connecting inward to the stargates and portals of your Akash. This information is embedded in your DNA and can be discovered through your unique Galactic Astrology chart. You can access your personal stargates and portals through your chakras. Each chakra has a nexus of quantum intelligence connected to the star systems that your soul has experienced throughout its existence. These sessions will support you in cultivating strength, authority, and higher guidance from deep within the fractal nature of your soul. Allow yourself to be called into the web of creation and discover who you really are. Humanity’s collective mission is to re-member our souls and light up the world.

As Above So Below. We are each beautiful fractal expressions of our entire universe. As we re-member our soul’s history, purpose, and mission we open into higher and higher levels of fractality, embodying golden ratios of perfected symmetry in our field of awareness. 

HoloFractal Soul Integration is an exciting approach to accessing your Akashic records; your soul matrix as it is embedded on the unified field. These sessions are a synthesis of galactic astrology and an intuitive reading of your soul records. The reading will reveal specific information about your soul’s history as a starseed; past incarnations on other planets. I will also share techniques to integrate this information into your now so that you can experience a deeper connection to your soul’s purpose.

Each session will include:

●      A written report outlining important details about your soul history

●      A live reading of your chart via zoom

●      A link to the recording of your session for you to download

●      Meditation and self activation techniques to help you integrate your soul coding

●      Messages from your higher guidance team to support your connection to your current purpose and mission

●      Your galactic astrology chart


Quantum Soul Guidance Soul Records Reading

90 minute live online call, written notes, recording

$333.00 USD

Astro-transit DNA activation and integration

1 hour live online call, written notes, recording

$144.00 USD

Use the form below to request a session✨💕

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