Our HoloFractal Universe

The term HoloFractal combines the concepts of holography and Fractals. A hologram is the representation of all parts of a whole expressed within each individual part. A hologram essentially is the mechanism through which interconnection occurs. 

“As you analyze a tiny particle in the nucleus of an atom called a proton, which is composed of particles trillions of times smaller on the Planck scale (PSU) and, as a result, you learn the size, mass and energy of our universe. It is truly remarkable and clearly holographic.”

Nassim Haramein

Fractality creates the resonance between the interconnected parts. The Wolfram Mathworld website defines a fractal as:

An object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all scales, but the same “type” of structures must appear on all scales. The prototypical example for a fractal is the length of a coastline measured with different length rulers. The shorter the ruler, the longer the length measured, a paradox known as the coastline paradox.[1]"

This happens through self-similarity. The concept of fractal resonance suggests that 2 or more self similar structures, like the lungs and trees, share a resonant frequency. The shared frequency exchanges information via the interconnectedness of the hologram. This theory informs many healing strategies including Acupuncture and Shiatsu via the meridian system; herbalism and homeopathy through the law of signatures; even through the imagery aspects of Qigong and Yoga. 

With HoloFractal Soul Integration I observe the fractal nature of the soul. The soul is a differentiated aspect of the whole, or source. The mechanism of differentiation is its expression through a temporal framework or TIME. As we inhabit planet earth in a physical body our  individual souls are constantly moving through space as the earth moves through space by orbiting the sun while the sun orbits the galaxy.

While we move through space, space is moving through us and we are constantly embedding information on the structure of space. The experience of time is our memory of “past” locations in space that we have experienced. Our memory is facilitated by quantum entanglement that is created by tiny little wormholes. These are quantum scale threads that weave through space and map out our soul’s history. From Scientific American:

“Wormholes are hypothetical shortcuts through spacetime, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, after Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, who predicted them in 1935. Entanglement is another way of connecting two distant objects: When two particles are entangled, they retain a connection even when separated over great distances, so that actions performed on one affect the other. Entanglement has been demonstrated in quantum physics experiments with particles, but wormholes, which arise from general relativity, are purely theoretical. The two phenomena were long thought to be unrelated.”[2]

The soul's ability to self-reference on a temporal framework is a defining feature that distinguishes it from the whole. The experience of self-referencing by an individual soul is happening on behalf of the whole (or source) for the purpose of mutual growth, learning, and expansion. 

The soul is not limited to the remembered experiences of a single lifetime. Its unique signature is embedded within the structure of space over many different lifetimes throughout the universe and possibly beyond. It is in this way that all of the collective souls in our universe are co-creating reality and the architecture of space itself. When observing the architecture of space we can see fractality. The cosmic web, for instance, appears to be nearly identical to human neurons.

This suggests the potential for information exchange between human neural tissue and the cosmic web. Is it possible that this resonance connects individuals to higher forms of cosmic intelligence through HoloFractal resonance? I believe so. Our memories are the exchange of information through local and distal coordinates in space via the unified space memory network. From the journal of Quantology:

“The vast and ever-evolving connectivity network of space is what engenders time via entanglement of multiple spacetime frames, even if they are separated by large spatial and temporal extents at the macro-scale, such that a spacetime coordinate may be a memory imprint in the geometry of another and therefore correlate with a “past” or “future” state, hence generating time via memory, or space-memory. This also engenders a holoinfogramic property of space, as the state of any one spacetime coordinate is accessible to any other coordinate via the multiply-connected geometry, or unified spacememory network.” [3]

image: resonance science foundation

The Holofractal nature of the soul creates access into the larger field of information. All of creation has emerged from that field. In it we can find records of our soul’s journey in past and future coordinates. These records are outlined in the astrological chart. By studying the chart with this perspective, in addition to galactic aspects, we can find key codes to unlock important soul information. Galactic Astrology, created by astrologer Julia Balaz, is a method of reading the soul records.  From Julia Balaz:

“Fixed Stars alignments to our solar

system's planets in a natal chart are revealing astounding stories of our deep ancestors and ancient soul memories that are resurfacing in our consciousness.”[4]




[3]NeuroQuantology | December 2016 | Volume 14 | Issue 4 | Page doi: 10.14704/nq.2016.14.4.961 1 Haramein et al., The unified spacememory network
